days
ago.
11日前
|
|
|
hours.
2時間
|
|
|
All
day.
一日中
|
|
|
long
time
ago.
ずっと前
|
|
|
Are
they
coming
this
evening?
あの人達は今晩来ますか。
|
|
|
Are
you
comfortable?
快適ですか。
|
|
|
Are
your
children
with
you?
お子さんと一緒ですか。
|
|
|
As
soon
as
possible.
出来るだけ早く
|
|
|
At
o'clock
in
the
afternoon.
午後の3時に
|
|
|
At
5th
street.
5番通りで
|
|
|
At
o'clock
at
night.
(evening)?
今晩7時に
|
|
|
At
o'clock
in
the
morning.
朝7時に
|
|
|
At
what
time
did
it
happen?
何時に起こりましたか。
|
|
|
Can
help
you?
手伝いましょうか。
|
|
|
Do
you
have
a
swimming
pool?
プールがありますか。
|
|
|
Do
you
have
this
in
size
11?
サイズ11がありますか。
|
|
|
Do
you
think
you'll
be
back
by
11:30?
11時半までに帰ると思いますか。
|
|
|
Everyday
get
up
at
6AM.
毎朝6時に起きます。
|
|
|
Every
week.
毎週
|
|
|
Expiration
date.
期限切れの日にち
|
|
|
Have
you
been
waiting
long?
長く待ちましたか。
|
|
|
He'll
be
back
in
minutes.
彼は20分以内に戻って来る。
|
|
|
His
family
is
coming
tomorrow.
彼の家族は明日来る。
|
|
|
How
about
Saturday?
土曜日はどう?
|
|
|
How
long
are
you
going
to
stay?
どのくらいいる予定?
|
|
|
How
long
are
you
going
to
stay
in
California?
どのくらいカリフォルニアにいる予定?
|
|
|
How
long
will
it
take?
どのぐらい時間がかかる?
|
|
|
How
much
altogether?
全部でいくら?
|
|
|
How
much
will
it
cost?
どのぐらいかかるでしょうか。(未来形)
|
|
|
don't
have
enough
money.
お金が足りない。
|
|
|
|
I'm
getting
ready
to
go
out.
出かける用意をしているところです。
|
|
|
I'm
just
looking.
(Shopping)
見ているだけです。
|
|
|
I'm
worried
too.
私も心配です。
|
|
|
It'll
be
cold
this
evening.
今晩は寒くなるでしょう。
|
|
|
It
rained
very
hard
today.
今日は雨が激しく降った。
|
|
|
It's
dollars.
17ドルです。
|
|
|
It's
6AM.
午前6時です。
|
|
|
It's
8:45.
8時45分です。
|
|
|
It's
a
quarter
to
7.
7時15分前です。
|
|
|
It's
going
to
snow
today.
今日は雪が降るでしょう。
|
|
|
It's
here.
ここです。
|
|
|
It's
there.
あそこだよ。
|
|
|
I've
already
seen
it.
それ、見たことあるよ。
|
|
|
John
is
going
on
vacation
tomorrow.
ジョンは明日バケーションに出かける。
|
|
|
My
birthday
is
August
27th.
誕生日は8月27日。
|
|
|
Now
or
later?
今、それとも後で?
|
|
|
October
22nd.
10月22日
|
|
|
She
wants
to
know
when
you're
coming.
いつ来るか、彼女知りたいって。
|
|
|
Sometimes
go
to
sleep
at
11PM,
sometimes
at
11:30PM.
寝るのは11時だったり11時半だったり。(時々11時に寝て、時々11時半に寝る。)
|
|
|
There's
plenty
of
time.
時間は充分ある。
|
|
|
The
whole
day.
一日中
|
|
|
We're
late.
(私達は)遅れました。
|
|
|
What
day
are
they
coming
over?
何日に(彼らは)来るの?
|
|
|
What
day
of
the
week
is
it?
何曜日?
|
|
|
What
is
today's
date?
今日は何日?
|
|
|
What's
your
religion?
宗教は何?
|
|
|
What
time
are
they
arriving?
(彼らは)何時に着くの?
|
|
|
What
time
did
you
get
up?
何時に起きた?
|
|
|
What
time
did
you
go
to
sleep?
何時に寝た?
|
|
|
What
time
did
you
wake
up?
何時に目が覚めた?
|
|
|
|
What
time
does
it
start?
何時に始る?
|
|
|
What
time
do
you
think
you'll
arrive?
何時に(あなたが)着くと思う?
|
|
|
What
time
is
it?
今何時?
|
|
|
When
are
they
coming?
(彼らは)いつ来るの?
|
|
|
When
are
you
coming
back?
いつ戻って来るの?
|
|
|
When
are
you
going
to
pick
up
your
friend?
いつ、友だちを迎えに行くの?
|
|
|
When
are
you
leaving?
いつ行っちゃうの?
|
|
|
When
are
you
moving?
いつ引っ越すの?
|
|
|
When
is
the
next
bus
to
Philidalphia?
フィリピン行きの次のバスはいつですか。
|
|
|
When
is
your
birthday?
誕生日はいつ?
|
|
|
When
went
to
the
store,
they
didn't
have
any
apples.
お店に行った時、リンゴは一つもなかった。
|
|
|
When
was
the
last
time
you
talked
to
your
mother?
お母さんと最後に話したのはいつ?
|
|
|
When
will
he
be
back?
彼はいつ帰って来るの?
|
|
|
When
will
it
be
ready?
いつできますか。
|
|
|
Where
are
you
going
to
go?
どこに行くつもり?
|
|
|