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1000 Las frases más comunes Inglés

Inglés / Español Lento Normal

Am I pronouncing it correctly?

Lo estoy pronunciando correctamente?

Can you do me a favor?

Me puedes hacer un favor?

Can you help me?

Me puedes ayudar?

Can you please say that again?

Puedes decir eso otra vez por favor?

Can you show me?

Puedes mostrarme?

Can you throw that away for me?

Puedes tirar eso para mi?

Does anyone here speak English?

Hay alguien aqui que hable ingles?

Don't do that.

No hagas eso.

Do you believe that?

Te crees eso?

Do you have a pencil?

Tienes un lapiz?

Do you smoke?


Do you speak English?

Hablas ingles?

Excuse me, what did you say?

Perdona, que has dicho?

Forget it.


How do you pronounce that?

Como se pronuncia eso?

How do you say it in English?

Como se dice en ingles?

How do you spell it?

Como se escribe?

How do you spell the word "Seattle?"

Como se escribe la palabra Seattle?

I can swim.

Puedo nadar.

I can't hear you clearly.

No te oigo claramente.

I don't mind.

No es nada.

I don't speak English very well.

No hablo ingles muy bien.

I don't think so.

No creo.

I don't understand what your saying.

No entiendo lo que estas diciendo.

Is there air conditioning in the room?

Hay aire acondicionado en el cuarto?

I think you have too many clothes.

Pienso que tienes demasiada ropa.

I trust you.

Me fio de ti.

I understand now.

Ahora entiendo.

Let's meet in front of the hotel.

Vamos a encontrarnos delante del hotel.

Please sit down.

Sientate por favor.

Please speak English.

Habla en ingles por favor.

Please speak more slowly.

Habla mas despacio por favor.

Sorry, I didn't hear clearly.

Perdona, no te he oido bien.

That means friend.

Eso significa amigo.

That's wrong.

Eso no esta bien/es equivocado.

Try to say it.

Intenta decirlo.

What does this mean?

Que significa esto?

What does this say?

Que dice esto?

What does this word mean?

Que significa esta palabra?

What's the exchange rate?

Cual es la tasa de cambio?

Whose book is that?

De quien es ese libro?

Why aren't you going?

Por que no te vas?

Why are you laughing?

Por que te estas riendo?

Why did you do that?

Por que hiciste eso?