terjemahan: English Portugues हिन्दी Deutsch Français الْعَرَبيّة Bengali Pусский Tiếng Việt Burmese Bahasa Indonesia 한국어 Español ไทย 日本語 Chin 中文 繁體

1000 Paling Umum English Phrases

Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia Lambat Normal

Come here.

Datang ke sini.

Does it often snow in the winter in Massachusetts?

Apakah salju sering turun waktu musim dingin di Massachusetts?

Do you think it'll rain today?

Apakah menurut Anda hujan akan turun hari ini?

Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow?

Apakah menurut Anda hujan akan turun besok?

How's business?

Bagaimana bisnis?

Is it close?


Is it possible?

Apakah mungkin?

Is it ready?

Apakah siap?

It costs 20 dollars per hour.

Harganya / biayanya dua puluh dolar per jam.

It hurts here.

Di sini sakit.

It's far from here.

Jauh dari sini.

It's going to be hot today.

Nanti panas hari ini.

It's north of here.

Di sebelah utara dari sini.

It's over there.

Di sana.

It's raining.


It's too late.

Terlalu terlambat.

It's very important.

Penting sekali.

It will arrive shortly.

Sebentar lagi sampai.

The roads are slippery.

Jalanannya licin

What's the room rate?

Berapa harga kamarnya?

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

Bagaimana cuaca besok?